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yes it is You can't say 'yes' unconditionally. It is best to consult a doctor before getting pregnant at a slightly advanced age. Every woman's body is different. Yours is most likely fine, but do get personal advice.

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Q: Is you safe to get pregnant at 38 for the 4th child?
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Certainly. There is a plug of mucus in your cervix blocking off the path to bacteria then you also have your bag of waters protecting the baby. So go, have fun. Swimming is GREAT for pregnant women.

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It is not. .38 Super is developed from .38 ACP and is for automatic pistols.

Is dangerous if you're pregnant at the age of 38?

Not nowadays

Its been 38 days since my last period yet i still dont have my monthly visit am i pregnant?

It is very possible that you are pregnant. I would go buy a pregnancy test just to be on the safe side. Then if you aren't pregnant and you still do not have your period I would go to the doctor and tell them about it, because something could be seriously wrong.

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Your due any moment really, I would call my doctor and ask them about the pain. I had pain on my cervix when I was pregnant. That was because my child was breech.

How far along pregnant are you?

38 weeks and 4 days.

How many months is 38 weeks of pregnant?

9 months

What is the circumference of a child's pool with a radius of 38 feet?

Circumference = 2*38*pi feet