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Q: Is the baby covered at birth under the mom's insurance?
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Is a baby's birth covered by his father's insurance even though his parents are not married?

Birth might not be, as this really relates to the woman's health care, but post-birth care could be if the father includes the child on his plan. I would contact the health provider to explain the situation and explore options. If you are not able to obtain insurance for the mother through his plan, I strongly suggest that she obtain prenatal care through a free or sliding-scale clinic. Don't let the insurance situation deter you from getting her and the baby proper care.

Your daughter was covered by your insurance till she was 19 She turned 19 eight days before giving birth to her baby. Should the insurance still pay?

I would think they would pay for all of the prenatal visits. But I don't believe they would cover the hospital expenses. Unless she was enrolled at a college. Then she could remain covered until at least the birth of the child, at which time they would probably say that she has had an immancipation event. "Should" has more meaning in moral discussions. Insurance companies only do what they are required to do under law or agreement. Read the policy and see what they are required to do. While I would probably agree with you that they "should" pay for the delivery, they probably won't.

How are baby manatees born?

Baby manatees are born live birth from their mother. They have birth under water, and if it takes to long then they can die.

Whose insurance pays for the birth of a child in California if the parents are not married but both have insurance?

The female since she's having the baby.

How much is it to have a baby without health insurance?

It depends upon where you have the baby. Home birth is usually less expensive than in a hospital.

How the trapdoor spider gives birth?

It opens up its vagina, and the baby spiders come out covered in jizz.

What are baby birds covered in at first?

baby birds are covered in cotton

How do dophin have baby?

Dolphins are classified under mammalia, therefore they give birth to live young. A baby dolphin is called a calf.

Is a 19-year-old dependent daughter covered for maternity care?

it really depends of each individual insurance. If the 19 year old is a full time student, she would be fully covered under your insurance. Also, some state laws require parents to cover a dependant child until a certain age (thru age 19 or sometimes even 23). if the child is covered under the insurance, a pregnancy would be covered.. meaning all prenatal care, post natal for the mother and delivery, including hospital and physician fees. The baby however, will not be covered. The dependant of a dependant is not typically a eligible covered dependant on any insurance plan. I've seen insurance plans that would cover a 19 year old child dependent, but, when you check the maternity benefit, she won't be covered unless there is a complication with the pregnancy. If your insurance plan covers her as a dependant or student then she will be covered for her maternity. Most insurance policies will not cover a dependant grandchild, it depends on your individual plan. I have not seen any plans in my company that do. You may need to look into applying for Medicaid for the grandchild. As stated above if the 19 year old is a qualified dependent then it should be covered **IF** the parents policy covers maternity. Maternity is not automatic coverage in all circumstances and is a benefit that is being made optional with much greater frequency in those states where the insurance company is not obligated to include it.

If you want to become pregnant but you don't have insurance what do you suggest?

I suggest getting insurance somewhere. It is very expensive to have a baby. With all of the prenantal care and the hospital stay. Even if it were a perfect birth and you were only in the hospital one day or less, it would still be very expensive. If you or the baby needed extra medical care or needed to stay in the hospital longer, it would go way up. Check with your state about getting state covered insurance. There are also some companies that you can buy insurance from privately. Or the last option is just to pay for all expenses yourself if you can afford it or work out a payment plan with the doctor and hospital. Another thing is that after the baby is born, it will need insurance for all of the doctors visits and vaccinations that will be needed. You may be able to get the baby covered by the state even if you aren't covered by them or don't qualify. Good luck! If you can afford to get health insurance you should get it before the get pregnant. If you cannot afford health insurance you SHOULD NOT GET PREGNANT. Nobody should plan on getting pregnant if they can't afford to care for the baby the way it needs to be cared for. Be responsible. Wait for insurance. A child is unexpected medical cost and hospital expenses cost more than you'll ever be able to pay off since the added expense of a child. Don't be selfish think of your child.

Which insurance pays for the delivery of a baby if you're split up but still married to your husband and still under his insurance for now and get pregnant by someone else?

Good Luck. You will be asking your husbands insurance to pay for the birth of a child that is not his. Talk to the insurance company and also check with state law. Some states the law is that a child born during a marriage is the child of the husband legally unless challenged in court.