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It has been safe for generations. You need to be careful. Your gynaecologist will guide you further in this regard.

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Q: Is it safe sex on ninth month of pregnancy?
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Does sex in late stages of pregnancy effect the cervix to make a show?

It may make the cervix show say if ot is done in the second week of the ninth month.

Which months are safe for sex in pregnency time?

In normal pregnancy without problem, it is safe to have sex from the beginning of your pregnancy until you give birth.

Chances of pregnancy after 1 month of unprotected sex.?

In two healthy people, the chance of pregnancy after having regular unprotected sex for a month is high.

In the early stage of pregnancy is it normal to have cramping without bleeding just white discharge and is it safe to have sex when this happens?

yes that's normal and yes it is safe. you can have sex pup until the 8th month. (based on my experience).

Could you be pregnant if you had your period the month after you had safe sex but you haven't had it for 2 months since?

If it was safe sex and you did have your period afterward, then your 2 month break between periods is probably a fluke. It happens for various reasons; stress, chance in diet or exercise, or medications. If you are worried, take a pregnancy test to be safe, it will show the correct result by now.

How do you have safe sex but still get prenant?

No "safe sex" is really absolute safe. It is all about probabilities: if you use contraceptive methods, you significantly the risk of a pregnancy.

Is it safe for a pregnant women to move during sex?

Yes it's perfectly safe unless the doctor have said no to her having sex due to problems during the pregnancy. But with a normal pregnancy there are no problems.

What can cause miss-courage when one month pregnancy?

Having sex

Do you believe in safe sex?

Keep safe while doing sex and take the condom to protect yourself any sexual transmitted disease and unwanted pregnancy.

How long after sex can you get pregnancy symptoms?

The first sign is missing your period. But after you have sex you have a month maybe a month in a half til you start having symptoms.

How teen pregnancy can be improved?

Teen pregnancy can be improved my spreading awareness. Telling your friends about how to have safe sex is a great way to prevent teen pregnancy. Knowing the facts about sex and how to not get pregnant.

Can rough sex within two weeks of conception harm an embryo?

No, sex is safe during pregnancy.