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Definitely not. If there was ever a car accident and the air bag goes off, it might hit the child and might break it's head or worse, it could kill the child.

You must be 4 feet 9 inches tall or more and 12 years of age or older to ride the front seat of the car.

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Q: Is it safe for your seven year old to ride in the front seat of the car?
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Related questions

Why is it not safe to have kids ride in the front seat?

Because the airbag could kill them or severely injure them

Does the 1999 Chevy Lumina have passenger air bags that can be turned off making it safe for children to ride in the front passenger seat?

well I don't think that kids should even ride in the front seat at all

Is it a law that you have to be thirteen to ride in the front seat?

yes i belive so drive safe and obay the law

How much do you have to weigh to sit in the front sit of a car in Canada?

Generally 90 pounds + and 5'2 + is when its safe to ride in the front seat

Can a child under 6 ride in the front seat of a corvette in NY?

Yes. It is safe for them as they are in Kindergarden 2 already.

How old does a child have to be in TX to ride in front seat of a car?

the child should be at least 9 to ride in the front seat

What Legal age for children can they ride in front seat of car in Ohio?

the age that you need to be to ride in the front seat of the car is 12

Do you have to be 4 feet 9 inches to ride in front seat of a car?

It depends, you have to be at least 12 years old to ride in the front seat

How old to ride in front seat in Ohio?

Its not about age, its about height and weight

How old to ride up front?

You should be 12 years or older to ride in the front seat.

How old do children have to be to ride in front seat of car?

it is a height requirement now. pretty much if they can sit in the vehicles seat and touch the floor with their foot flat on the floor they are safe

What height do you have to ride in the front seat?
