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Q: Is it possible to turn into a baby?
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Possible, but might turn out hazel

How common is it for baby teeth to turn black, and what are the possible causes and treatments for this issue?

It is not common for baby teeth to turn black. Possible causes include tooth decay, trauma, or certain medications. Treatment may involve dental fillings, crowns, or extraction, depending on the severity of the issue. It is important to consult a dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Is it possible for an alien to become a vampire on Sims 2?

Yeah, most Sims can turn into vampires apart from kid, toddler and baby Sims.

What is a recipe that would turn you into a baby?

There's no recipe that will turn you into a baby. Don't be an idiot.

When you wear a baby diaper will you turn into one?

Turn into a baby diaper?! No that's silly. Turn into a baby? That's just as silly. If you need to wear a baby diaper, then you need to wear a baby diaper. If you want to wear a baby diaper, go for it if it fits. Maybe you should think about adult diapers, then you might turn into an adult (lol).

For Pokemon XD gale of darkness is it possible to have a Pokemon baby at the daycare?

No, it is not possible to get baby Pokemon in the daycare.

Will you turn into a monkey?

No, it is not possible to turn into a monkey.

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mommy's having a baby daddy's going crazy see it 1 see it 2 turn around touch the ground and freeze

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Is it possible for the inside of your ear to turn white?

No, its not possible for your ear to turn white because of an infection.

Is it possible for your ear to turn different colors?

Its not possible for your ear to turn different colors, its elogical.

On BABYDOW can you baby turn into an adult and die?

No, but if you do not care for your baby then the gardners will take your baby away!