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Yes it is possible I had iud and husband got fixed now I'm prego with twins.

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It depends on if the other guy you’re having relations with has had one!

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Q: Is it possible to get pregnant when you have an IUD and your husband had a vasectomy?
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You are currently 18 weeks gestation you have had many problems since you discovered you are pregnant to begin with you conceived while using the Mirena IUD and right before your husband's vasectomy y?

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Who is responsible if a woman get pregnant with an IUD?

Pregnancy is a known risk whenever a woman has sex. There is no birth control method, including vasectomy and tubal ligation, that is 100% effective. If a woman gets pregnant with an IUD, she and her partner are responsible.

If you have the IUD but you have been having heartburn an you havent got your period could you be pregnant?

Getting pregnant with an IUD in place is rare but it does happen. If you feel that you may be pregnant with an IUD in place you should take a home pregnancy test and/or see a Dr as soon as possible due to possible health risks to you and to the pregnancy.

If your IUD was removed until dec 11th how does the dr think you conceived sept 20?

It is possible to get pregnant with an IUD in place.

You want to get pregnant with out removing your IUD is this possible?

I am sure it is slightly possible but getting pregnant while having a IUD is a terrible idea. Most of the time a pregnancy while using IUD is an ectopic pregnancy which is when the fertilized egg is not in the uterus, this can cause death and the baby will not survive. If you by miracle got pregnant and it was not ectopic the baby can still be severely harmed so you must see a doctor ASAP.

Can being pregnant on an IUD kill you?

It's not very likely especially if you have proper medical care. If you are pregnant and have an IUD in place you should see your Dr as soon as possible. The IUD puts you at greater risk of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, infection and early labor and/or delivery.

Is it easy to get pregnant after IUD?

Fertility returns to your baseline after removal of the IUD. Whether it's easy to get pregnant after removal depends on your fertility, not the IUD.

Can you still get pregnant after my IUD was removed with heavy bleeding?

It's not likely that the IUD removal affected your fertility.

You removed your own paragard IUD Went perfectly except you are now 2 days late Is it at all possible you got pregnant That quick Help?

You should never remove your own IUD. You should seek a doctor immediately to test to see if you are pregnant and have your IUD or a new IUD inserted. Removal of an IUD can almost immediately leave you prone to pregnancy.

Pregnancy after tubal ligation and vasectomy combined'?

It is possible to become pregnant after a reversal. The rate of success really depends upon the age and the method of the prevention of pregnancy. Check out this website for exact statistics:

You had intercourse a day before you took out your IUD he did not pull out can you be pregnant?

Yes, you can be pregnant if you had sex in the days just before the IUD was removed if it was a hormonal IUD like Liletta, Mirena, or Skyla. Consider using the morning after pill if you had sex in the last five days. If you do not want to get pregnant, start another method of pregnancy prevention as soon as possible.

When can you ovulate after IUD birth control?

It is possible to become pregnant immediately after removal of an IUD. Even with mirena coils which contain small amounts of progesterone, the contraceptive won't work as soon as the IUD is removed. Once your IUD is removed you can become pregnant immediately, it has no residual contraceptive effect. 85% of couples will get pregnant within the year, just as the rate if no IUD had been used.