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It certainly is as a mater of fact it is not unusual at all for children to be taller then their parents.

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Q: Is it possible to be taller than your father if so how much taller?
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Can you be taller than your father?


Can a son be taller than the father?

Yes, it is possible for a son to be taller than his father. Height is determined by a combination of genetic factors from both parents, so a son can inherit certain genes that make him taller than his father. Additionally, factors like nutrition, environment, and overall health can also contribute to differences in height between family members.

Jacks father is 180 cm tall jack is now 109 cm tallhow much taller is jacks father than jack?

71 cm

Can i be taller than your big sister?

It is definitely possible to be taller than your big sister. Things such as height and build are determined by genetics and boys do have the tendancy to be taller than girls.

Can people grow taller than eight feet.?

yes it is possible for people to grow taller than 8 feet.

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He is 1.5 feet taller than Naruto.

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How much taller is Mt.Elbrus than Mt.Olympus in Greece

What age do you need to be taller than your mom to be taller than your dad?

It's much, much more complicated than you seem to think.

If your dad is 56 and mom is 50 is it possible to be taller then them both?

Yes, it is possible to be taller than both parents even if one parent is taller than the other. Height is determined by a combination of genetics and environmental factors, so it is possible for a child to surpass the height of their parents.

How much taller is cinderella's castle than Sleeping Beauty's?

very much taller about 5 meters

How tall will a male be if his mother is five feet and his dad is six feet?

You would be around the same general height as your Mother was, our your Father was. It is possible to be shorter our taller than both of them to.

Can you be taller than my big sister?

You can be taller than your big sister. Girls have a tendency to be shorter than their brothers since they usually take after their mothers. There are some instances where girls may take after their father and be just as tall or taller than their siblings.