when your tummy becimes bigger and after nine months you're ready for delivery...
Yes. You would be full term and near delivery.
It depends what animal it is. Some small mammals can be mothers as young as five months, give birth and immediately become pregnant again
you could definitely be pregnant. its very possible to have your period while pregnant but its also rare. but it does happen.
Yes, it is possible to be pregnant and still have your period.
yes it is possible to have your period when you are pregnant
haha i dunno. it's possible, depending on the woman's energy. But most women who are 9 mths pregnant normally rest for their delivery and because they are tired and sometimes cranky. Most pregnant women just wanna rest at 9 mths pregnant.
A woman is usually pregnant for about 9 months, so you decide.
It's the full nine months plus some. You would be a week to 10 days past your expected delivery date.
yes, it is possible if the cat reached over 6 months old