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I hope you mean that you're drinking the coffee and breastfeeding the baby. Yes, it is harmful for a baby, by whatever means the baby gets the coffee. There are ingredients in coffee besides caffeine that are dangerous to a baby, causing dehydration, stomach problems. The caffeine can increase the baby's heart beat, damaging an already small and fragile heart.

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Q: Is drinking coffee harmful to a baby?
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No, cats should not drink coffee as it is harmful to their health.

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Drinking and smoking while pregnant are known harmful effects on a developing baby in the womb.

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Ask your doctor.

How much caffeine can you consume without it being harmful?

It varies with your metabolism. I remember one lady who had convulsions from drinking 4 cups of coffee a day ... and that was when I was having 6 cups every morning. For most people, coffee in non-harmful.

What is harmful while pregnant?

Smoking and drinking are both harmful while you are pregnant. These activities can compromise your baby's development and may lead to defects.

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I've never heard of any, and there is no reason that there should be. Coffee is not harmful in moderation.

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Coffee grounds are not harmful to people.

Can the baby die if you drink to much coffee?

maby if coffee is drinked to many times and day but smoking and drinking are the worst and you do not want a dead kid in your stomach

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Is drinking old coffee bad for your health?

Drinking old coffee is generally safe but may not taste as good. However, if the coffee has been sitting out for a long time, it could potentially grow harmful bacteria that could make you sick. It's best to drink coffee when it's fresh to enjoy its full flavor and avoid any potential health risks.

Is the mother drinking one cup of coffee safe for your developing fetus?

Yes. it is perfectly safe for the baby growing in your womb !

How harmful is drinking 3 months into pregnancy?

Drinking any alcohol may be dangerous to your baby. There has been no 'safe' amount of alcohol identified that does not cause fetal alcohol syndrome.