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Q: Is an only child selfish
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Opposite word for selfish?

A selfish person is only interested in what benefits them, A word that means the opposite of selfish is, giver.

What is the correct punctuation for the sentence 'Not only are you vain you are also selfish and obnoxious'?

The correct punctuation for the sentence is: "Not only are you vain, you are also selfish and obnoxious." Add a comma after "vain" to separate the two independent clauses.

What is a selfish child?

a selfish kid is a kid who when they get somthing they dont realy care about it like for example if a 12 year old girl gets an ipod and dosent thank her mom that is a selfish kid

What do you call a peron who thinks only of themselves?

A person who thinks only of themselves is often referred to as selfish or self-centered.

What do you call persons who think only of themselves?

People who think only of themselves are often referred to as selfish or self-centered individuals.

Is god selfish?

No, God is not selfish. God wants only the very best for his children. This is why he sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to be crucified on the cross. So that all of us could be forgiven our sins. Does that sound selfish to you?

What is another word for remarkable accountableoutstanding or selfish?

Another word for remarkable is outstanding. Selfish does not describe something that is remarkable, selfish describes someone who only thinks of their self.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Story of the Selfish Giant - 1998?

The cast of The Story of the Selfish Giant - 1998 includes: Mary Ann Williamson as Snow Rachel Darter as Child Cecylia Markowitz as Child Jenni Marzano as Child Arden Mead as Grandpa Annie Wischmeyer as Maggie Mark Zimmerman as Frost

What kind of behavior only benifits an individual?

Selfish behaviour

What are the superlative and comparative of selfish?

The superlative of selfish is "most selfish" and the comparative is "more selfish".

How do you use selfish in a sentence?

She was criticized for her selfish behavior at the charity event, as she only focused on promoting herself instead of helping others.