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well no,i strongly believe you can like anybody wheather they wear glasses or even braces or anything else in this case.Think of it in this way if there was a boy or girl you like but there was another boy or girl in the situation what if the boy or girl you like picked the other person over you just because of the way you look that would be harsh and hurtful.You shoudnt judge somebody in other words dont asume what that person is just because of what they look like.Anyway what im trying to get across is if you are looking for a relationship with someone ,its always important in a relationship to get to know someone first otherwise the relationship your trying to form will just be a big mistake.My advice is to not always go for the most good looking,there will be other people out there asking the same question as you and feeling the same emotions in that way you are not the only one.

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Q: Is a relationship all about looks?
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