Ruby is predominately a female name.
However, it was once given to males too. It was particularly popular for boys in the United States between 1900 and 1940.
When used as a name for a male now it is most likely a nickname for the name Reuben.
The rival in Pokemon sapphire, ruby and emerald is brendan or may. It depends if you a boy or a girl at the beginning (boy=May , girl=Brendan).
Diamond for a boy Ruby for a girl I would love to meet THAT kid :D
In emerald ruby and sapphire you have to get a boy marill and girl marill or boy and girl azumarill and put them in to the daycare in mauville town. you will get an egg and inside will b azurill
In emerald ruby and sapphire you have to get a boy marill and girl marill or boy and girl azumarill and put them in to the daycare in mauville town. you will get an egg and inside will b azurill
It can be a boy or a girl name
it can be a girl or boy name!
Is Senait a boy name or girl name
It is both a girl and a boy name.
It depends on whether it's given to a boy or a girl. However, names that are precious stones (Ruby, Pearl, Beryl) are usually given to girls, so amber is more likely to be a girl's name.
no daria is a girl name darian is a boy name.
It is can be either a boy's name or girl's name
If you mean the name then yes.