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Kind of. It's okay, but they need at least 10-12 hours of sleep. If kids are old, they can't sleep 8 hours all the time. As kids get older, the earlier they wake up.

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Q: Is 8 hours of sleep good for kids?
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Related questions

Why do kids need 10 hours of sleep besides 8?

Kids need 10 hours of sleep besides 8 because they are still growing

How many hours do kids have to sleep in one day?

Depends on age but usually about 8 hours

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8-10 hours of sleep ...


We sleep by closing our eyes. Sometimes we snore and we also kick everything. We need to get at least 8 hours of sleep (kids) and at least 5-10 hours of sleep (adults).

How long do kids from age 4-12 sleep?

maybe 8-12 hours

How many hours should 12 year old kids sleep?

At least 8.

Do kids get enough sleep?

Most kids in the US do not. Teens that get less than 8 hours of sleep most nights are more likely to have thoughts of suicide. HW is the #1 reason for sleep-deprived kids.

Should kids be allowed to stay up late?

Yes but they need 8 hours of sleep!

How many hours does an adult have to sleep?

8 hours is taken to be a good and agreed estimate.

What are the Home remedies for a good 8 hours sleep?

Best home remedies for good 8 hour sleep is, do not smoke, or drink coffee, and go to sleep at

How late can kids stay up?

Kids can stay up as long as they want but it will be important to make sure that they will be able to sleep for 8 to 10 hours per day. Sleep is very important for the body cells to become rejuvenated and for kids, sleep is the element that will enhance their growth.

How many hours is a good night's sleep?

8 hours is a good amount of sleep to get. For some reason, certain people feel fine with 4-6 hours, but its a better idea to get at least 8 hours, especially teens since you are growing so much, you need all the sleep you can get.