Well I don't know what 12 year old girl means but if its a child there is a short messy hairstyle and I think you can get it for teen and adult aswell
no its just mucele
The average height for a 12 year old is 4'11" or 5'0".
Only on the head. A 12-year-old boy kissing a 12-year-old girl on the lips is nasty.
does he like 12 year old girls
Yes they can but ew!
It depends on if the 12 year old girl is fertile, And if the boy can ejaculate sources: I'm a teenager.
I think medium length is a perfect haircut. It's not to long and not to short.
Why yes!
No. 100 is fat for a 12 year old girl. 140 is chewbacca mode.
if a 3 year old can then so can a 12 year old
Sure he can!