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Q: Is 110 pounds for a 10year old girl over weight?
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How much should an avarege 11 year old girl weigh?

A girl that is 4.9 inches the average weight is about 105 pounds - 109 pounds anything above that is at risk of being over weight or over weight.

If a girl that is 11 and is 140 pounds is tat over weight or under weight?

that is very over weight but it depends on ur height

What is healthy weight for girl that is 5 foot 2 inches and 18 years old?

The average weight for a girl that is 5 foot 2 is 110 pounds. If you are 5 feet, 100 pounds and 5 more pounds every inch.The average wight for a girl that is 5 feet tall and 2 inches is 110 through 136 pounds. If you weight between these numbers than you are consider healthy. If your over 136 pounds your consider slighty over weight. If your under 110 pounds you are under weight, which is not good.

What is the average weight for a 19 year old girl that is 5'4 and weighs 127 pounds Is that over weight?

Sounds just about right....

Is 105 pounds over weight for a 4' 9 10-year-old girl?

Oh yes.

Is a fifteen year old girl that is five feet five inches and weighs 123 pounds considered over weight?

No...this weight is normal

I am 5'5 120 pounds 13 years old am i over weight?

No way are you over weight. That is thin for your height. E- im 13 year old girl, 5'4" and about 130 pounds , no way r u overweight

You are a 14 year old girl and you weigh 216 pounds are you over weight?

You might want to see a doctor about any concerns your having with your weight.

What is the average weight for a 11 year old girl that is 5' and weights 85 pounds Is that over weight?

Well I'm 11 and I'm 84 pounds but I'm about 5' 8 so i don't think that is over weight. Maybe a little chunky but that's how i see myself

Is 100 pounds over weight for a ten year old girl?

no. It is not skinny, but not overweight. It also depends how tall the person is.

What is the average weight for a 12 year old girl that is 5'4 and exercises a lot?

Just over 100 pounds or so...

If an eleven year old girl weighs 97 pounds is she over weight?

Doubtful, unless she is 6 feet tall.