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No, Drinking vinegar will have no effect on pregnancy.

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Q: If you drink vinegar after having un protected sex does it help you not get pregnant?
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If you're a week pregnant and you drink vinegar will the baby die?

No, drinking vinegar is an old wives tale - it will not stop a pregnancy.

Can you drink apple cinder vineger while pregnant?

As long as the vinegar is pasteurized, you can drink it.

Can a pregnant woman drink vinegar?

Whoever put it would kill your unborn baby is an idiot. No apple cider vinegar will not harm your unborn baby. It is safe to drink but if you have questions you should contact your doctor.

How much vinegar should you drink a week?

None. You don't drink vinegar

Could drinking vinegar while pregnant cause a miscarriage?

The short answer is NO, it will not cause a miscarriage. This is an urban legend and a poor one at that. For a more detailed explanation from Planned Parenthood, see: Think about it this way, pickles contain vinegar and pregnant women love pickles (or so the stereotype goes) If vinegar caused miscarriages, would pregnant women continue to eat pickles (would we have the stereotype)?

Can you drink sprite while pregnant?

As long as you are not having trouble with gestational diabetes, it would not hurt to drink some Sprite.

What protects the baby from any alcohol a woman drinks when pregnant?

nothing. babies can't be protected from alcohol that the mother drinks while pregnant, that's why doctors tell pregnant woman that they should not drink alcohol.

How do you acidify water for goats' drinking water?

I don't inderstand why you would need to acidify the water, but I used apple cider vinegar for my pregnant does to stimulate them to drink more.

Can you drink vinger to stop your mentrual?

You cannot drink vinegar to stop your menstrual. What vinegar will do is to reduce the flow and stop the cycle completely.

How do you make hiccups go away fast?

I usually use vinegar whenever having hiccup because the sour taste of vinegar can help distract me from hiccups. Another way is lemon since it has the sour taste too. Regarding vinegar, I only need to drink a little dosage of it and finish with water.

If you drink too much vinegar when you 3 weeks pregnant can you hurt the baby?

I think you are fine. Some women drink apple cider vinegar to reduce indigestion. I have also heard that it can help induce labor. Some women do not realize that they are pregnant till about 6 or 7 weeks and have drank heavily (celebrating turning 21) and their babies are fine. Usually alcohol consumption doesn't really bother your baby the first couple of weeks unless you are binge drinking. But I am in NO WAY suggesting that it is okay. I am just saying that you shouldn't be too concerned if this has already happened.

When is it not okay to drink alcohol when you are pregnant?

It is NOT OK to drink alcohol when you are pregnant ... period.