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No, if you are pregnant and under the age of 18 you are not leagally emancipated from your parents at all until you are 18 then you can be on your own. Just because you have a baby doesn't mean your an adult.

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Q: If you are pregnant and under the age of 18 are you legally emancipated from your parents?
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Is a pregnant minor considered emancipated in Massachusetts?

No, pregnancy does not automatically emancipate a minor in Massachusetts. A pregnant minor is still under the legal control and responsibility of their parents or legal guardian unless they have been legally emancipated through a court process.

How do you become legally emancipated in Kentucky?

Kentucky does not have an emancipation statute. A person under the age of 18 can not legally emancipate himself from his parents. But - with the parents consent and a judge's approval in court, you can become emancipated in Kentucky. Actually there r additions to KRS 405 that allow for emancipation in Kentucky:

Can a person with epilepsy move out if of parents house without consent if they are over 18?

If the individual is legally emancipated, has not been declared legally or medically incompetent, and is not (because of his ailment) under the guardianshoip of his parents, yes.

What age is a child considered minor?

they are considered a minor UNLESS they are emancipated by the courts.

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No, when one marries under the age of eighteen one becomes an emancipated minor. In the USA, at least.

If you went to boot camp with your parents' consent and became legally emancipated and got sent home for medical reasons would you still be legally emancipated now that you're home and still under 18?

That's a question for an attorney in the state in which you were emancipated. However, assuming the emancipation was not conditional (such as you remaining in the service), you probably are. The real question is this: If you're emancipated, what are you calling "home?" If what you're referring to as "home" is where your parents live, an emancipated individual would be a guest in their home and obviously could be invited to remain (or not) at their pleasure.

Are you legally emancipated in Georgia if you are 16 with a child?

{| |- | No you are not emancipated just because you are pregnant. Being a parent under the age of majority does not change that. However, the minor does have rights when it comes to the child and should contact social services in their community to discuss their options. |}

Can female that's 16 emancipated herself to get married in south Africa?

If she is legally emancipated (by the courts) then yes. If over the age of majority, which is now 18, she does not need anyones approval. If she is under the age of 18 and not legally emancipated, then she will need her parents approval. Certain ages require the Minister of Home Affair's approval. See the Children's Act of 2005

Are parents allowed access to 17 year old medical results?

Unless you are legally emancipated by the court, yes. Because at 17 you are still a minor and under your parent/guardians protection.

Are parents legally responsible for pregnant daughter under 18?

Yes, parents are legally responsible for their pregnant daughter under 18. They are responsible for providing care, support, and making decisions on her behalf until she reaches the age of majority.

What is the legal age in Philadelphia to move out?

Unless you have been legally emancipated by a Court of Law, or by marriage (which is an act of permanent emancipation), you must be 18 years old before you are legally an adult. You could move out with your parents permission, but they would still be legally responsible for you. For example, you cannot legally sign a lease agreement unless you are an adult, so your parents would have to sign the lease for you to get an apartment. And then they (not you) would be responsible for the lease agreement.

Can you move out at 16 without being emancipated in Ky?

In Kentucky, a minor under 18 cannot move out without parental consent or being legally emancipated by the court. Kentucky law requires that minors have their parents' consent or legal emancipation to live independently.