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Depending on your state statutes, you could be considered a minor. That would constitute statutory rape if it was reported to the police, regardless of intent. Hopefully the boyfriend will support you with the pregnancy, if not there are many resources available to you. The first step is talking with your physician to get his/her advice. Secondly, your local health department may have information about how to deal with pregnancies. Finally, whether or not you decide to keep the baby, there are other options available to you: adoption and abortion, or you can just keep the baby. You must take into account your maturity level, education, and parents desires. Please make responsible choices and talk with your physician or other healthcare provider as soon as possible to determine a course of action for you and your baby. This answer is provided by a healthcare professional, and not an M.D. This answer does not take the place of a doctor's advice.

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Q: If im 17 and pregnant and my boyfriend 21 what would happen to him?
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You are 16 turning 17 in May and your boyfriend is 22 turning 23 in April and there is a chance you are pregnant what all can happen to him?

He can go to jail for rape and well get into a lot of trouble

Can a pregnant 17 year old move in with her boyfriend?

With parental permission she can.

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Yes, you can if you are both emancipated minors. You would have to check your local laws regarding emancipation.

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That depends on the age of consent where you reside.

In Tx can your boyfriend go to jail for being with me while im 17?

only if you get pregnant

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No, you are not the age of majority yet.

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if your 17 and want to get pregnant then there is definitely something wrong with you.

If a girl is 15 and pregnant and the boyfriend is 18 can he get done by the police in the UK he wasnt 18 at the time?

yes he can as you are still under 16. he can be done for satatory rape as he was 17 at the time. i think though he has to be reported for this to happen

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Well then that 17 year old would have early parenting, or they could get an abortion, which is frowned upon by many people, but not illegal

If a female is 13 and her boyfriend is 16 or 17 and he gets her pregnant and she has an abortion is that consider statutary rape in Florida?
