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In calculating for your child's height, you may use a baby height percentile calculator. All you need to do, is enter the baby's birth date, gender and his or her actual height. The calculator will compute it automatically, and you will determine your baby's height percentile.

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Q: How to calculate my baby's height percentile?
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6'1 1/2" is the 90th.

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Depends on their height. There are growth curves for children though. The weight percentile should be around or below the height percentile or the child may be overweight

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How long is a human head?

Height of an average human head: Male: 9.4 in / 23.9 cm for 99th percentile 8.6 in / 21.8 cm for 50th percentile.Page 1.Height of an average human head:Male: 9.4 in / 23.9 cm for 99th percentile.

What is the Average height and weight for 7 month old boy?

The average height for a fifteen year old boy in USA is 66 1/2 inches (50th percentile). The 95th% height is 71 1/2 inches; the 3rd percentile height is 61 inches. The average weight of a fifteen year old boy in USA is 125 pounds (50th percentile). The 95th percentile weight is 174 1/2 pounds; the 3rd percentile weight is 95 pounds. Remember that one should consider the mid-parent height to have a meaningful interpretation of height of children. If both parents are below average height for an adult, the child will have a proportional stature in relation to parents. One would need height and weight to calculate BMI. Underweight BMI is less than 18.5 Normal is between 18.5 to 24.9; Overweight BMI is 25-29.9; obesity BMI is 30 and greater.

What is height of 1 year old who measures in the 98 percentile bracket?
