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Either my medicine or suction, both provided by a doctor. There is no home method.

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Q: How to abort a 3 weeks pregnant?
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If you are pregnant for only 3 days and take humphreys will it abort?

You can't know you are pregnant until you are at least 2 weeks on the way. And Humphreys 11 don't abort anything.

Can cortal can abort 3 weeks pregnancy?

No Aspirin can not make you abort.

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Most women have no clue they are pregnant the first weeks so don't worry, you'll be fine and so will the baby.

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No it can not. And Coke can not be used in any way medically.

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Not quite because there are a little more than 4 weeks in a month. About 4 weeks and 3 days. So to be 3 months pregnant you actually have to be 13.5 weeks along.

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If you are 15 weeks pregnant, you are on your 3rd month and 3 weeks.

Is it possable to abort a pregnancy using cytotec and two weeks later take a pregnancy test and it reads pregnant?

Sometimes it can take hcg two weeks or more to get back to zero, so if you have hcg above 5, two weeks after cytotec, then you may get a positive hpt but not actually be pregnant.

Is there any pill to abort 1 month pregnancy?

There are pills to abort pregnancy after you have missed the period for 2 to 3 weeks. Any way consult your Gaenacologist for expert advice.

How many months are you if you are 15 weeks pregnant?

3 months 3 weeks.

Can do abort after 16 weeks of pregnancy?

Yes, before 24 weeks.

If you are 3 weeks pregnant when did you conceive?

Three weeks ago.

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