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Q: How old should a male dog be to breed?
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How old does a dog have to be to breed?

around 2 years old for male and female.

How old does a male dog have to be to get a female dog pragnet?

Depending upon the breed, the average male dog is capable of siring within a few months after birth.

When should you retire a male stud dog?

It is generally considered ethical to not begin to breed a male dog until it is two years old. Likewise, it is considered ethical to retire the dog at about 7 years of age, or sooner if its health fails.

do you have a dog and how old what breed and male or female and what name i have a do her name is oly she's a rough collie she's 8 months old and female ofc?

cooper male

Is seven too old to breed a male Dachshund?

A male can breed all his life and a female can if she till has cycles but I don't suggest it.

How old does a small breed male dog have to be to impregnate a female?

the dog can impregnate a female in less than 5 months of it life

How old does your dog have to be to get your other dog pregnant?

The male should be a few months old before mating and his testicles should have dropped

What breed of dog should you get if you want a dog like Old Yeller?

Ol' Yeller was a yellow Labrador retriever.

What is the oldest a female dachshund should be bred?

If you are trying to breed a dog then it should be at least 3 years old, so it is an adult and ready to breed.

Should dogs breed indoors or out?

It doesn't matter where they breed really. Wherever they breed it doesn't matter. Don't worry. If your dog wants to breed indoors let it, if outside let it. I have a dog but it is only 6 months old but i found this out in a dog book

My Labrador is 10 months old male dog when it bark at strangers what age?

Your Labrador male dog should start barking at strangers when it is at least 12 months old.

How old should your Doberman be before you breed it?

For any dog, you should wait at least for its second heat. Although most high quality dog breeders will wait until until the dog is in its second year so that the dogs general health can be properly evaluated to ensure you are breeding to improve the breed