i would say at least 13 or 14. i know in MA most people are 11 but usually a year or so older.
There is currently not a law that specifies the age a child has to be to stay home alone overnight. It is left up to the parents to decide if their child is mature enough to handle it.
What is the legal age in ohio to leave a child home alone overnight?
A child could usually stay home at the age of 7, but an ethical and responsible person wouldn't leave their child home alone before the age of 12.
In Maryland, the minimum age of leaving a child home alone is 8 years. Depending on the maturity of the child, I'd say that a 12 year old can be left home alone for the daytime, but overnight, the child should be at least 15.
There is currently no laws outlining the minimum age a child can stay home alone overnight in Texas. It is left up to the parents to make that decision.
i think the age of 11 and upp but im not suree
No, there are multiple laws prohibiting it. Also if you do this and your child is harmed in any way you can be charged with neglect and child abandonment.
I think it sould be mostly up to the parent but it should be when the child is mature enough to handle themselves and emergency situations. They should not be left home alone for too long the first time and go over the emergency procedures with your child.You may gradually increase the time alone if it is okay with the child. DO NOT LEAVE THE CHILD ALONE IF THEY DONT WANT TO BE LEFT HOME ALONE!!!!!
You may want to check out your particular states laws. For example a child in Virginia can be home alone during the day without supervision 12 years and older, however cannot be alone overnight until age 16. However, a child staying home alone 12 and older is based on the parents discretion.
In Georgia, there is no specific legal age that dictates when a child can stay home alone overnight. Parents are responsible for determining when their child is mature and responsible enough to be left alone for extended periods of time. It is recommended to consider factors such as the child's maturity level, responsibility, and comfort with being alone overnight.
In the state of Georgia, there is no specific law that dictates a minimum age for a child to be left alone overnight. However, it is generally recommended that children under the age of 14 should not be left home alone overnight. It is important to assess the maturity and responsibility of the individual teenager before making a decision.