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It Depends On What Your Parents Want. I Dont Think That There Is A Certain Age Rule Though Cuzz I See Lyk 6 Year Old With HighLights. But You Have To Be Careful Because Some People Are Allergic To The Chemicals In Hair Dye && Their Faces Get Swollen [[i did a report on hairdye once]] So Yeah... Im 13 && I Was Able To Get My Hair Dyed. But Its A Good Idea To Consult Your Parents Before You Dye Your Hair.rjfidwrkfjbdf

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Q: How old enough do you have to be to get your hair dyed?
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How old do you have to be to have your hair dyed?

you have two be 15

How old was niall when he dyed his hair?

Niall was 12 years old when he started dyeing his hair

What baby shampoo is strong enough for use on my baby, my daughter and myself with dyed hair?

You shouldn't ever use a baby shampoo on color-treated hair because it will start to strip the color. Anything that is gentle enough for a baby's eyes is not good for your dyed hair.

Has Selena gomez dyed her hair?

Yes selena gomez has dyed her hair

Is it up to you or your parents whether you get your hair dyed?

it is up to you wether you get your hair dyed or not. As it is your hair and it is up to you to do what you want to do with it.

Do hair straighteners work well with dyed hair?

yes although sometimes they can leave streaks of your real hair color. that all depends on how it was dyed and who dyed it

Can half synthetic hair and half human hair extensions be dyed?

Only the real human hair will get dyed:)

What is a sentence of dye?

"Dye" I dyed my hair red. I am going to dye my hair today. Will you come with me to get my hair dyed? Would you like to get a dip dye? Dark dyed hair is very popular in the winter.

How do you get your hair back its natural color?

grow out the dyed hair until you see your natural color. wait until it gets long enough, and then cut it.

Which one of the one direction boys bleched their hair?

If you mean dyed their hair, Niall dyed his hair from his natural brown hair to blonde.

How old was Leda Monster Bunny when she first dyed her hair one crazy color?

14 (:

How old were you when you first dyed your hair?

maybe i think 12 i died it dark brown and now im 14 and i have blonde hair