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minimum 8 hours of beauty sleep will you you good

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Q: How much sleep should a child have each night?
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How long should you sleep each night if your fourteen?

A fourteen year old should get nine hours of sleep each night.

How many hours of sleep on average does a child get on school nights?

Children should get at least 8-10 hours of sleep each night, but, on average, children normally get about 9 hours of sleep on school nights.

How long do you sleep on average each night?

you should get on average 8 hours of sleep if you are a growing teenager.

At age 76 how much sleep should you get?

at age 76 you should be getting between 10 and 12 hours of sleep each night

What amount of sleep should an nine year old get?

A nine-year-old should have about 9-11 hours sleep each night.

Is it illegal for a child to have less than six hours sleep?

kind of. Children must have a lot of rest each night

How many hours of sleep each night on average should one get?

The amount of sleep one needs each night depends on various factors including age, gender, and sleep quality. The average amount for an adult is 7-8 hours.

How do you get a two year old boy to sleep in their bedroom at night?

First make a bed time routine, putt the child to bed at the same time each night, maybe read him or her a story every night.The child might be afraid to be alone at night so get the child a stuffed animal or something that the child can have by him as he sleeps, also have a night light for them.The most importation thing is to stick to what you say so when you putt the kid in their room to sleep, that child must go to sleep, so if the child comes out of their room putt them right back in their room.

How many hours should a 17 year old man sleep?

A 17 year old man should have about 7.5-8 hours of sleep each night.

How many hours of sleep should teenagers get each night?

Well, teens should naturally get more sleep. The body will tell them to sleep more, during the day and night. If they are not getting alot of sleep during the night, if this is the case their body will need more sleep during the day. The whole process starts around 12 and ends around 18-20

How much sleep should an average 13 year old girl get each night?

The average 13 year old should get 9 hours of sleep per night. This is very important. A person that does not get enough sleep will often be sick more often than people who do get enough sleep.

How many hours of sleep should a 14 year old get?

Eight or nine hours each night.