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160 pounds

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Q: How much shold a 9 year old girl wieg?
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How much should a 10 year old girl waigh?

a 10 to 11 yr old girl shold not be over 12stone.

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How much shold a 7 year old weight?

about 79 pounds or under so if your 88 or 99 or 100 YOUR FAT AND UGLY

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You need to change this question. It is ununderstandable.

When shold an 11 year old have a boyfriend?

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When shold eight year old go to bead on a school night?

probably by 8:30pm at the latest

How much should a10 year old girl weigh?

The recommended weight for a 10-year-old girl can vary depending on factors like height, muscle mass, and body composition. In general, a healthy weight range for a 10-year-old girl could be between 55-85 pounds. It is always best to consult with a healthcare provider to determine a healthy weight range based on individual factors.

How much should a 16-year-girl weigh?

The weight of a 16-year-old girl depends on her height and build.

How much a 10 year old girl weigh?

A ten year old girl can weigh from 80-100 lbs.

How many calories should a 12 year old girl who weighs over 100 pounds?

800, because see is overweight at 12. So when she is older at 20 she should make it 1200 cals. She shold eat alot of apples and carrots.\

How much is a 8 year old girl suppose to weigh?

If you are 4'7 and are an 8 year old girl you should weigh 60 lbs.