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Q: How much is a year supply of baby shampoo?
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How much for a year supply of baby clothing?

It depends how much clothing you buy a year.

How much does a year's supply of baby clothes cost?

It depends on where you shop for the baby. And also how fast the baby grows.

How much does a year's supply of baby wipes cost?

Depends on usage. Approximately 300 dollars per year.

How much is a year supply of baby food?

well it depends on the baby! if it eats a lot then probably it will be a lot. if it eats a little then the chances are it won't be a lot.

How much does a year's supply of baby formula cost?

Typically $1000-$2000 a year just for the formula alone. No bottles, nipples, etc...

How much money per year is spent on shampoo?

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What is the best shampoo for 13 year old girls?

for a 10 yr old girl revlon flex can be used or u can try sunny arnica.

How much shampoo does a person us per year?

8 bottles

How much shampoo does the average American use per year?


How much does it cost for a year supply of baby bibs?

well if you are one of those fab moms whose baby has to have a bib for every day of the week, you would propbly spend 100 dollars

How much does a year's supply of bottle formula?


How much for a year supply of diapers?

$600 - $800