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There is no limit to the number of qualifying children you may have as dependents.

Exemptions reduce your taxable income. Generally, you can deduct $3,300 for each exemption you claim in 2006. If you are entitled to two exemptions for 2006, you would deduct $6,600 ($3,300 × 2). But you may lose part of the dollar amount of your exemptions if your adjusted gross income is above a certain amount. You usually can claim exemptions for yourself, your spouse, and each person you can claim as a dependent.

There are five tests that must be met for a child to be your qualifying child. The five tests are:

  1. Relationship,
  2. Age,
  3. Residency,
  4. Support, and
  5. Special test for qualifying child of more than one person.

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Q: How much deductible does each child have on income tax if you have more than two children?
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possibly...depends on the state law, and the judge. (age of the children and each parent's income would be factors.) Consult an attorney in your state.

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20-30% of your income

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Of course! The amount of support will decrease per child, based on the number of children he is supporting. However, he will owe child support for each of his children that he is not the custodial parent of.Of course.

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Children in low-income households will generally qualify for Medicaid. Each state has Medicaid, though the name of the program may be different. You can ask your doctor or your child's school nurse. They will be able to tell you how to enroll. Or you can search your state government's website for "medicaid."

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Child support is based on a formula of income and percentage of time spent with each parent.

How does joint custody affect child support in wi?

For joint custody, child support in WI is calculated as follows: Each parent's gross monthly income is multiplied by the appropriate percentage (17% for one child, 25% for two children, 29% for three children and upwards). Each amount is then multiplied by 150% to account for household maintenance expenditures duplicated by both parents such as a bedroom, clothes, and personal items. Then each amount is multiplied by the proportion of the time that the child spends with the other parent to determine each parent's child support obligation (If placement is equal, each side is multiplied by 50%. If placement is 60% with the mother and 40% with the father, then multiply the father's amount by 60% and the mother's by 40%). Offset the resulting amounts against each other. The parent with a greater child support obligation is the person with the support obligation. Refer to Wisconsin DCF 150.04 for more information as it can be more complicated than this with various offsets and provisions for high income parents vs. low income parents.

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Child support is based on the "Income Shares" model. The court will approximate the amount that would have been spent on the kids if the parents and the children were living together. Then each parent will be ordered to contribute a proportionate share of the total child support. see links below

When each child lives with a parent and the mother is custodian and has no income is the father responsible to pay support for the child who lives with the mom?


How much does your gross income have to be to get the child's tax credit and does unemployment count as gross income?

The Child Tax Credit is $1,000 for each of your dependent children that you are claiming that are 16 or younger. It doesn't have anything to do with gross income. This credit is nonrefundable, so it can only reduce your tax to zero. If your tax is less than this credit (see worksheet in IRS instructions), you will only claim enough of the credit to reduce your tax to zero & you may qualify for the Additional Child Tax Credit. The Additional Child Tax Credit is refundable (you can get money back if it's more than your taxes). It can be affected by your income. If the Child Tax Credit worksheet directs you to this credit, use IRS Form 8812 & instructions to see how much to claim. The total claimed on the line for Child Tax Credit & Additional Child Tax Credit cannot be more than $1,000 for each dependent child age 16 or younger. Yes, unemployment is part of gross income. However, it is not earned income.