More than 350,000 are born every day.
About 3600 children are born in Russia every day
There are at least 2880 children born each day in Kenya. It is estimated that the exact number is closer to 3500.
Between 400000 upto 450000
almost 1 lakh children smoke each day
Children's Day is celebrated on November, 20th of each year. Children's Day became a holiday in the year of 1954.
Children's Day is celebrated on November, 20th of each year. Children's Day became a holiday in the year of 1954.
On average, about 385,000 babies are born worldwide each day, which translates to approximately 54,000 births each day. This amounts to around 378,000 births each week.
You are dying from the very minute that you are born because you're approaching your death as each day passes.
Each April, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) announces how many new children were born into the Church in the previous year. (This generally only includes children born into actively practicing Mormon families who are given a blessing in their congregation, as non-practicing Mormons rarely announce their children's births to their congregation or have them blessed). In 2013, the Church reported that 122,273 children were born into the Church worldwide in 2012. This means that an average of 335 children are born into Mormon families every single day (that is 14 per hour) Please note that this is a worldwide number, statistics about new children are not released for individual nations or states.
A present for the children in the tree