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Q: How many shots can your baby get at 6 months old?
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How many teeth does a baby have?

How old? Months? Years?

Do puppies receive their shots at four months old or at eight months?

If you bring the puppies in to your vet office, they will tell you when shots are needed.

How old can a baby be?

12 months to 32 months

How old does the baby get on my baby's first steps?

The baby grows to b 30 months old

How old is Hester's baby in chapter 2?

In Chapter 2 of "The Scarlet Letter," Hester's baby Pearl is three months old.

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if there's 12 months in a year than its 2 years old.

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Months and years

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11 months old

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her baby girl is 6 months old now how cute

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baby mason is 3 months

When can a chimpanzee have a baby?

chimpanzees can have baby when they are over 5 months old.