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Newborns spend more time sleeping than awake so they really don't take "naps" they just sleep a lot. You should let your baby sleep as much as he or she wants to.

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Q: How many naps should newborns take?
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Related questions

Who should take naps?

Everyone. Naps are amazing. Tru dat

Should adults take naps?

i think that adults should not take naps because they have too much stuff to do in the house and take care of the dogs and the kids

Can you take too many naps?

You can take too many naps and fall into a sedimentary lifestyle or a depressed state.

How many naps should your 6 month old take?

Normally a 6 month old will still take either 3 shorter naps ( about 1.5 hours each) or 2 longer naps (about 2 hours each). My brother takes one 1 long 2 or 3 hour long nap.

Should kids have naps at school?

Well yes and no if they shouldn't be taking schedualed naps but if they didnt get sleep or they are just tired sometimes then yea they could take a nap

Why people say they don't take naps?

because some ppl rest more than others or maybe they are embarrassed that they take naps i know i really dont take naps-gigi

Do guinea pigs take naps?

yes they do take naps . they could fall asleep standing up too. :)

How much should a puppy sleep during the day He seems to take many naps throughout the day and keep us awake at night. What should we do?

Make sure that the pup gets a playtime before bedtime. This will assure that he will be tired and sleep at night and not keep you awake. Try to curb his naps when it gets later in the day. Pups do well when they are on a schedule.

On average how many naps does a newborn infant take in a day?

Infants need a lot of sleep. In fact, they will take naps that range from 2-4 hours at a time. The number of naps will vary depending on the infant. Always let your baby get as much sleep as he or she needs. If you notice an abrupt change in his or her sleeping pattern contact your pediatrician.

Should people take naps in the day right after a semi annual mid morning tea party?

Only if they are very sleepy.

Does Justin Bieber still take naps?


Does Queen Elizabeth II take naps?
