

Best Answer

U will be very bussy,u wont have time to hang out.its your choose

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Q: How does fashion affects teenage life?
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What are the release dates for My Life as a Teenage Robot - 2003 Victim of Fashion 2-10?

My Life as a Teenage Robot - 2003 Victim of Fashion 2-10 was released on: USA: 6 September 2005

How fashion affects your life?

Fashion can make you feel confident. It can help raise self-esteem, knowing that you look good. The right clothes can really change a person's life.

What is the impact of design on an individual?

There are a number of ways in which design affects your daily life. Design is fashion and fashion is what people judge you on in many cases.

Whom or what does teenage pregnancy affect?

it affects teenagers, community, schools, homes, countries, the baby's life, the family, other people, your life, and friends.

what fashion magazines do teenage girls like?

Magazines such as Seventeen and Teen Vogue are very popular amongst teenage girls. In addition, one might also find success with such magazines as Girl's Life or Cosmo Girl.

When did My Life as a Teenage Robot end?

My Life as a Teenage Robot was created on 2003-08-01.

What is the duration of My Life as a Teenage Robot?

The duration of My Life as a Teenage Robot is 1440.0 seconds.

How does teenage drinking affects?

it makes you drunk which is bad so dont drink

How does mass media affect teenage pregnancy?

Mass media adversely affects the teenage pregnancy. That is the concern of parents all over the world.

What is the last episode of your Life As A Teenage Robot?

the last episode of my life as a teenage robot was called "turncoats".

What kind of speech is the speech about teenage life?

a speech about teenage life is that use of drugs, mariguana, pregnecy

Who is buying fashion magazines?

Anybody can buy a fashion Magazine. But usually, people who follow the trends, as in, teenage girls, and uptown women and men and people involved in the fashion industry, or indirectly affected by it.