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Having sex without a condom can make a girl pregnant as well as not putting on the condom properly, making the condom break.

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Q: How does a girl get pregenant?
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Can a girl from 1 through 10 get pregenant?

1-7, no. Youngest reported is around 8-9 years of age.

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You can not be pregenant in buillabearville.

How do count the number of week you are pregenant?

Consecutively from conception.

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8 weeks for some.

When are you least likely to not get pregenant?

When you use birth control

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She'll get bigger dumb a$$

What you say you m pregenant in french?

tu es enceinte

Why did you have pregnancy symptoms and now there gone at 4 weeks?

you werent pregenant

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Rabbits are pregnant for around 30 days.

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nah mate she just massively fat

Can a toddler get pregenant?

no a toddler can not get pregnant as you have to have started your periods before you can become pregnant