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Q: How does a 9 year old save her money?
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How can a 9 year old get money in the summer?

just save it

How can you make money as a 9 year old?

you could have a lemonade stand

What jobs can 9 year old get pay good money?

The only jobs I know that a 9 year old can do are yard sales, helping neighbours ect. There's not much a kid can do to earn money.

How much money should for babysitting a 4 year old and a 8 year old and a 1 year old and a 9 year old Per hour?

about $30 dollars or a little less

How much money a year can a 9 year old make?

I would say that a nine year old should earn about $40-$50 each year.

What can a 9 year old kid do save polar bears?

A 9 year old kid can create a club at school that fundraises for the polar bears and then send the money to a trustworthy program that can use the money wisely. You can send it to WWF, the World WildLife Organization. Plus, spreading awareness is the best help any species would want =). Atleast the polar bears know someone cares for them...

How much money should a 9 year old get for shoveling a drivway?

Certainly more than a 40 year old working at a restaurant.

How much pocket money should 9 year old get?

$50 000 a day

Can a 9 year old boy make money?

if he mows lawns or shovels snow.

How much money should a 9 year old get?

20$ dollars per monday ><

How can a 9 year old earn money fast?

Since it is illegal for a business to hire anyone under 16 a 9 year old can earn money mowing lawns, feeding/walking dogs, asking your parents what they need done around the house so you can earn money. I am afraid 9 is a little young to babysit.

How do you make a lot of money if you are only 9 years old?

you can do a lemonade stand,chores,garage sale, there are lots of things a 9 year old could do