the average teen usually doesn't take in alot of sleep. usually because of problems in there life, drugs,depression etc......
Its compulsary for a teen ager to sleep 8 hours..
No, unless she is ill
A average teen normally sleeps for about 8-9 hours a day but it really just depends on your body because some people need more sleep than others
I don't really get what you mean with "teen sleep" and "adult sleep". I guess a better way to explain your question would be "How is sleeping different when you are a teenager and when you're an adult? Right? At least that's what I get. It's only sleep, anyways. Why would you need to know? It's not so different. And you can goggle it if you don't find a good answer here.
play truth or dare and would you rather
cos they like to stay up
8-9 hours
A teen should aim to get about 8-10 hours of sleep each night to support their overall health and well-being.
The day your born is when your parents can let you sleep out of the house.
Sleep without a pillow
Depends on what kind lol, but normally its SLEEP! :)