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slept like a baby = dormir comme un bébé

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Q: How do you say slept like a baby in french?
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How do you say l slept like a baby in french?

l slept like a baby= je dors comme un bébé

Why do people say they slept like a baby when baby's wake up in the middle of the night crying?

because some people are very odd but it does not matter but when you had a good sleep you say "oh wow I slept like a baby" well really you didn't because well they wake up crying witch is normal but not for you, well saying "you slept like a baby" is an expression after all but some people can say they slept like a baby, when they slept good and/or woke up allot in the night.

Why is it that people say they slept like a baby when babies wake up like every two hours?

because when babies are sleeping they look so peaceful and calm so if u sleep like that then you say u slept like a baby

Why say slept like a baby if babies wake up every 2 hours?

Because babies have no worries to keep them awake. how do you wake up the baby's?

How do you say would have slept better with you too in French?

I would have slept better with you too is 'moi aussi j'aurai mieux dormi avec toi' in French.

How do you say a baby in French?

A baby is called 'un bébé' in French.

How do you say you want a baby girl in french?

Baby girl in French is: Bébé fille.

How do you say there goes my baby in French?

you cannot translate goes in french it would have to be 'baby you are gone or there my baby is going'

Why does your kid resemble the man you slept with when you were one month pregnant?

i dont have a kid nor did i sleep with anyone, and i was never pregnant.... dont say why YOUR kid looks like someone YOU slept with say I and why does MY kid look like the man I slept with when I was pregnant.....

How do you say sleep like a baby in french?

to sleep like a baby is 'dormir comme un bébé' in French.

How do you say 'I have a baby in French?

I have a baby is j'ai un bébé in French.

What to say when your patner asked how you slept?

SAY: i slept well how about u?