Even though this may be the last thing that you might wanna hear, you can't really ignore them. I have an annoying sibling myself, but what I try to do is to just zone her out sometimes, have time to myself.
why are younger siblings so annoying
If you're annoying him, stop. If you're not annoying him, ignore it.
because they're annoying
Ignore Them
Ignore them.
ignore them
just ignore them
The best option is to ignore them.
well i have some so i would... 1. ignore them 2. tell them SWEETLY to stop 3. leave the room or for better results-- TELL THEM TO HUSH UP!!
ignore it that's how
family members Annoying brats
Ignore her...Or find a way to stop her from being annoying. Though why is she your girlfriend if she's annoying? Agreed with the above answer. Why are you going out with her if she is annoying? What is she doing to be annoying? Why don't you tell her that she's annoying? Things to think about.