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Q: How do you get kids pee smells out of furniture?
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Related questions

What smells like rat pee?

Rat pee does.

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What does a mental institute smells like?

Disinfectant. oh and pee- the best smells ever!!! lol kidding- but it does smell like pee =)

Does chanel no 5 have skunk pee in it?

do you know what skunk pee smells like loser

What do you do if you pee in your pants at a restaurant?

Pray that no-one smells it!

My pee smells bad the morning after sex what shoud you do?

Pee the night before and have sex in the morning.

Why do fireworks make noise?

Because your face smells of pee.

What is pee that smells like march mellows?

you will have a water infection

Does poop and pee smell good?

Yes it smells good

What is the importance of lead time?

it smells like cat pee

What is Tegan Elshaws last name?

if your house smells like pee flush the toilet all over your puppy so your puppy smells like pee p.s you are very not welcome for the edvice.

What are some trusted brands of kids' furniture?

Two names of kids brand furniture are kidskraft furniture; and angel song furniture