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Just tell them, don't be afraid. Just call up your girlz and be liek, "Hey girl i can't go out to drinks tonight cause i gotta take care of my kid mmmkbye"

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Q: How do you convey the news about a new born baby to friends?
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How do you convey new born baby news to friends and relatives with lots of excitement?

its a boy

How to convey new born baby news to friends and relatives?

I am father of baby boy or I promoted as a father. God given a baby boy/girl.

How do convey your new born baby news to friends?

You can tell your friends, possibly by means of email, we are happy to announce the birth of our new (son, daughter) whose name is (name) born on (date).

How do you convey new born baby news to friends and relatives through sms?

with all the blessings and mercy of god.. i am pleased with part ii of my life

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heck no why do people ask questions about things the hear by their friends when its just a rumor

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It was born in Arabia and is true not fake,It was even in the news, born this year in 2010......

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