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Keep her with you at all times, or at least in your sight. Always supervise the father's activity with the daughter.
Or if it's very serious, try for a restraining order.

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Q: How could a young mother protect her baby daughter from being sexually abused by her daughter's dad?
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It it true that people who have been sexually abused feel dirty?

People who have been sexually abused have reported being sexually abused.

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Ben Tankard's adopted daughter, Brooklyn Tankard, alleged that her biological father sexually abused her when she was a child. Ben Tankard has been protective of his daughter and has spoken openly about the abuse she experienced.

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yes, Carlos santana was sexually abused at an early age. He was 10 and a man took him to california where he sexually abused him there.

What does protecting individuals for abuse mean?

Protecting individuals from abuse means you protect someone from being physically abused, verbally abused, emotionally abused or sexually abused. These forms of abuse are more vulnerable towards children. A social workers job is to stop children from being abused in any kind of way and protect them from coming into contact with that person that is abusing them.

Can you sue your son-in-law for the abuse he caused your daughter?

You can sue anyone for anything. Thie real question is whether or not your case will be accepted in a court of law. Whether an abuse of daughter by son-in-law case will survive court reveiw depends on the law in the particular juristiction, whether the daughter abused is also his wife, or is another of your daughters, and whether the abused daughter is a minor or an adult.

How do you find out who sexually abused your gf?

ask her .................

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What percentage of people have been sexually abused as children?

In North America, 15-25% of women and 5-15% of men have been abused sexually as children. In India 47% of women and 51% of boys have been sexually abused as children(!) making it the country with the highest percentage.

Was demi lovato sexually abused?

yes, by a monkey

sexually abused girls?

For information, contact the YWCA.

What is the initial treatment for a sexually abused adolescent?

It depends on her symptoms.