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Q: How can you change the way your children will look like?
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Why children usually look like their parents but not exactly and-why the way they look can change as they grow up?

why the way they look can change as they grow up?(Science Answers‎)

Does a mirror make you look better or good?

A mirror shows you what you look like. It does not change you in any way.

What do your children look like if you marry Liea on Harvest Moon?

It is randomly chosen from all of the children. If you save before the birth then you can reload it if it doesn't look the way you want.

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Getting a ball kicked in your face could change the way you look and make you look like a completely different person if the injury is bad enough to cause permanent damage and change the structure of your bones.

How do you change the way you look to others in Pokemon Diamond?

You can't change the way you look to others in Pokemon Diamond. The avatar that is chosen how you look to others is completely by random, and there is no way to change it.

How do you change the way you look at pictures on Facebook?

You change the way to look at pictures by updating your home page.

What does a Jewish baby look like?

You cannot tell a person's religion by the way they look, especially if they are babies.

What does he want a girl to look like?

You shouldn't change the way you look to get a guy, if he wants to be with you then he wants you to look like you. If you don't feel attractive then perhaps fiddle around with some outfits or do your hair differently, but don't change yourself for anyone.

Why some people change faster after meeting?

like after meeting them in person...? probably decided they don't like the way you look.

Why do children prefer fashion?

Children are learning all the time. They are curious about all things and fashion is no exception. Since they do not know "the rules", they are fascinated with an industry where the rules are changing all the time. Since children are attracted to color, they tend to look at fashion with all its bright colors and learn that they can change the look of their world in a temporary way. Clothing is, after all, a temporary item that we all change frequently. It is a safe way to modify their world. In short, children love fashion because they can learn what they want and can change in a safe environment.

How can you change the way Pokemon look like for Game Boy?

besides catching a shiny one,you cant

What was the flag and the footprints on the moon look like today?

Just the same way they looked in 1969. There is no wind or rain to change them.