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well he/she can play lots of sports and move around a lot and eat healthy foods
Age is in your favor. Exercise for 30 minutes a day. Eat apples rather than chips. Water instead of soda. Watch your portions. You'll be on your way.

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Q: How can a 9 year old lose weight?
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What are some fun activities for a 9 year old to lose weight?

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How does a 9 year old girl lose weight in 4 days?

get on the tredmil bumm

How many weeks will it take for a 9 year old to lose weight?

well it verys depending on what u make them do to loose weight

How many calories should a 9 year old boy eat to lose weight?

A nine year old boy should eat about 2,200 calories

How can a 9 year old girl lose weight?

You can run or walk everfay after school for a 30 minutes at the least.

What is a good weight for a 9 year old boy?

a good weight for a 9 year old is 35

What is one of the ways a 9-year-old might lose weight?

By following the diet plan created for them by a certified nutritionist.

How can a 9-year-old girl lose 5 pounds in a week?

This is how I lost weight, I'm ten.Oh weight unless you're like really overweight you shouldn't need to lose pounds :P

If am 9 and weigh 77 pounds do you need to lose weight?

Oh my god, you shouldn't even be worrying about your weight at 9 years old.

What is the averege weight of a 9 year old boy?

9 ounces; one for each year

What is a healthy weight for a 9-year-old?

Weight is calculated on height not age.

I am a 14 year old girl who is 5'8 and weigh 9 and a half stone am i overweight?

yess, yew are huge,, lose weight!