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Q: Do you believe every human being is born with potential to be a virtuous creature?
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Where in the Bible is a verse about God's creature?

I don't believe this question can be answered because I don't think of God as a "creature." God is not a material/physical object that can be touched, but a spirititual being that can be sensed.

How do you determine what counts as virtuous behavior?

The proper definition of Virtuous behavior is to have or show virtue, especially moral excellence: lead a virtuous life. A place to start with developing this behavior is to practice the golden rule. Jesus' admonition to, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." In my opinion, to practice this principle is the foundation of having a virtuous behavior. To determine what would count as virtuous behavior, you would want to know the character of the person. Essentially virtuous behaviors are the actions, which are wholesome; which produce well-being for the person performing them and for those who are affected. I believe this would be the same for most all people.

What does defender mean in chaotic?

if an opposing creature attacks a creature adjacent to the creature with defender, the creature with defender can take the place of the creature being attacked

What do Indians believes?

Indian believes in God, truth, and truthfull livingthey believe in relations and can do any sacrifies for themIndian also believe in nature and its protection and they believe that every living being is as much special for god as humansthey believe in pictures of a creature and pray to him.

What is being a holy Christian?

By being virtuous, and praying & committing one's own self fully to Christ Jesus.

What is a creature being hunted called?

Prey. Predator is the creature that hunts prey.

What is Aristotles understanding of happiness?

Aristotle believed that true happiness, or eudaimonia, is achieved through living a virtuous life in accordance with reason and achieving one's full potential as a human being. It involves a balance of intellectual, moral, and physical well-being, and is the ultimate goal that all human actions aim at. Happiness is not simply a fleeting emotion, but a state of flourishing and fulfillment that comes from living a good and virtuous life.

What did Aristotle think was most important?

Aristotle believed that the pursuit of eudaimonia, or human flourishing, was the most important goal in life. He thought that living a virtuous life and developing one's potential to its fullest extent were key to achieving this state of well-being.

What is the key to becoming virtuous?

The key to becoming virtuous is practicing self-awareness, cultivating good habits, and making ethical choices consistently. It involves aligning your actions with your values, being honest with yourself, and striving to improve your character over time.

. What happens when the king is virtuous?

When the King virtuous they barries the remains of the king and what they think he needs in the after life.

When you release a guitar string what kind of energy?

sound energy i believe

What is the word A creature being hunted?
