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Yes, Hebe had two children with her husband Heracles: Alexiares and Anicetus

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Q: Did Hebe have children
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Is a hebe posionous to children?

It is not listed as such in the link below, but be wary.

Did Hera have only 4 children?

Hephaestus, Ares, Hebe, and Eileithyia. 4 children with Zues.

Who were the children of the goddess Hera?

Eleithyia, Eris, Hebe, Hephaestus, and Ares.

Did Hebe have any boys?

Hebe, goddess of Youth, was daughter of Hera and Zeus. After the death of Hercules, she became his wife and had two sons: Alexiares and Anicetus.

Why is Hebe famous?

Hebe is the Greek Goddess of Youth, Cupbearer to the Gods and Goddesses of Olympus, and wife of Hercules, mother of his children Alexiares and Anicetus. Her mother was Hera, her father Zeus.

What are hera's children names?

since hear is the god of marriage, she does not have any demigod children. Ares, the god of war, and Hephaestus, the god of fire are her only two godly children. it's not proper for her to have children with the mortals.

Was Hebe a boy or girl?

Hebe was a girl.

What were Hera's children called?

Hera was the mother of Hephaestus, Ares, Hebe and Eileithyae. Their father was her husband Zeus .

Who are Zeus god children?

Ares Hebe Hephaestus Persephone Apollo Artemis Dionysus Athena Hermes

What kind of song or poem can you write for hebe the goddess?

Oh Hebe! Oh Hebe! Won't you listen to me? Goddess of youth! Goddess of Spring! You can do 'bout anything! Oh Hebe! Oh Hebe! Won't you listen to me? Daughter of Zeus! Daughter of Hera! You are better than any old Sarah! Oh Hebe! Oh Hebe! Won't you listen to me? You married Hercules, it's hard to believe, that Hebe is so really good at making chili! Oh Hebe! Oh Hebe! Won't you listen to me? Hebe! Hebe! Hebe! not too good, but i hope it helped!

Who were the children of hera and zeus?

Hephaestus, Ares, Hebe, and Eileithyia.Hebe, Ares, Eileithyia and Hephaistos.