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No. The deduction is applicable to the amount of time he has the child, not support, which was taken into account in modification of the guidelines in the 90s, otherwise he would be paying even more now.

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Q: Dad pays a lot in child support and mom stays home with 4 children only one is dads and she does not work they were never married can dad claim his one child at tax time?
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What do I need to do to claim child support benefit?

Child support benefits can obtained going through your local Department of Human Resources. They will help you receive child support from your children's father.

Can you claim your married son on your taxes?

No you can not claim a child who is married

If you never married the father of your child and claim you did to receive child support is that fraud?

Yes. And it's also incredibly stupid: marriage is a matter of public record, so it's easy to tell you're lying, AND you can sue for child support whether you were married or not.

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Is a spouse responsible for the others child support from a previous marriage if he dies?

No. But, the child/children of the deceased may have a claim to assets of their father's estate.

Coulda mother claim child support at fathers death 50 years later?

She could file a claim against the estate for the unpaid balance, if any, of support that accrued while the children were minors. There is no statute of limitations on collecting past-due child support.

Can the father of your grandchildren who pays no support at all claim children as his dependents for tax refund?

No. In order to claim a child as a dependent the claimant must be able to show they have contributed more than 50% of the child's financial needs, regardless of whether or not a child support order exists.

Do you have a right to claim child support after 5 years when the child was born?

Yes, there is no limitation on beginning a case for child support. It's unlikely that you will get much, or anything at all in arrears from the 5 years that you did not request it, but child support is the right of the child and each parent is financially responsible for their children.

Do you have to claim child support as income?


Could you file taxes in Louisiana for your children if you are paying child support?

Whether you can claim the children on your taxes depends on your divorce agreement. Only one parent can claim per year, in any case.

If you are paying child support for one child that is living in another state and you have three children in your home that you financially take care of does that count for your income?

it depends what state you live in and if you claim the children on your taxes, or if you are the not the biological father of the other three kids you need to be married to their mother in order for them to be any kind of dependent for them to count for your income

Can a parent claim a child on their taxes if they have already gave up rights to the child?

You can only claim a child on your taxes if you provide at least 50% of the FINANCIAL support (through mortgage, food, clothing, education, etc.) for the child. If you provided at least 50% of the support for the child, then you can claim the child for the tax year in which you provided the support.