It was in the news a few weeks ago, A man raped a 10 year old girl and she is now pregnant If a ten or eleven year old is having her periods this means she is ovulating and can get pregnant. Womens bodies clean out their system once a month, and usually this is when the egg from ovulation is cleaned from the vaginal area. The period, of course also releases all the bad blood or bad chemicals that are in the body and this is how the period works. So if she is having her monthly periods then she is ovulating every month as well and can get pregnant.
You have to be able to be pregnant(have your period). And then get pregnant.
no its not your to young to have sperm srong your not ready
No he can not
yes, Courtney king
can cat get pregant at the 8 years old
no to old
It depends on if the 12 year old girl is fertile, And if the boy can ejaculate sources: I'm a teenager.
not very likely but 10% of American 12 year olds do get preagnet
Depending on how fast the female grows, it could could get pregnant as young as 8 - 10 weeks old.
it depends if they got puberty extremley early. 10 year old girls could problably get pregnant if they went through puberty at 6 or 7, so it's rare but it can happen. the lesson is, don't let your 10 yo old girl have s*x.