I would not allow it, but it really is up to the parents.
A 6 month baby is six month old
No. A four month old baby should only have breast milk, formula milk which is designed for infants or boiled (then cooled) water. Icecream is made from cows milk, cream, sugar, flavours, colours and thickening agents and can not be tolerated by the undeveloped gut of an infant. Giving cows milk and its by-products to an infant under 12 months could cause a baby to become lactose intolerant.
You are about 1 year in a half to eat a ice cream
Your baby will be 1 month old one month after their birth date.
It is an old ice cream and butter manufacturing company of America.
You have to be more then 5,00 years old to be an ice man! :)
Your baby is considered to be one month old on the same date of the month as their birthdate.
not too much, too much will give him/her a mega stomach ache
Ice cream is two words, and neither of them comes from Greek. Ice comes from Old Norse, and cream comes from Anglo-French.
Your baby is both 4 weeks old and 1 month old.
yes. in Bangladesh a 3 month old baby girl and 11 month old baby boy were married.I don't know when, but somewhere between2013. the babies are the youngest to marry.