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No, you cannot have a normal period and be pregnant. But you can experience very light vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy.

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Q: Can you still have a menstrual cycle while pregnant?
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Can a menstrual cycle affect pregnancy?

You dont get your period while pregnant. The blood goes to the baby.

Can you get pregnant while on your Menstrual cycle on the Mrena IUD?

You don't have a normal "menstrual cycle" when on Mirena, although you may have vaginal bleeding. Pregnancy with Mirena is unlikely whether or not you are bleeding.

If u Had protected sex in march why did u miss a menstrual cycle in march?

you can still get pregnant while using protection because none is effective 100%. of the time.

Can a girl get periods while she is pregnant?

No, it's biologically impossible to menstruate while pregnant. Menstruation is part of the menstrual cycle, a regular pattern of ovulation and the body preparing for pregnancy, or when there is no pregnancy the uterus lining shedding and the whole process starting again. Thus when pregnant the menstrual cycle is no longer carrying on, no ovulation and no menstruation.

What effects would a menstrual cycle have on a pregnant woman?

The menstrual cycle is the shedding of the uterine lining which is not compatible with pregnancy. While some women have some harmless monthly bleeding throughout pregnancy, it is not menstruation.

Can you continue your suppository treatment while you have your menstrual cycle?

Yes, you can carry on your suppository treatment while you have your menstrual cycle. For the record menstrual cycle refers to the reproductive cycle, as long as you're ovulating/menstruating you are always going through your menstrual cycle, I think you mean menstruation.

Can you still have your mentral cycle while being pregnant?

It is a very rare circumstance. If you have your period, you are not pregnant.

Will you have your regular cycle while taking orovite?

Taking Orovite has absolutely nothing to do with your menstrual cycle. If your menstrual cycle is regular then it will continue to be regular while taking this.

Can you go tanning while on your menstrual cycle?

Menstrual cycle is your reproductive cycle, if you are a healthy fertile woman then you're always on your menstrual cycle - I think that you mean during your period. Yes, you can go tanning while on your period, there's nothing that you can't do while menstruating.

What happens to your body at 50 when you stop having a period?

The menstrual cycle continues up until pregnancy when the menstrual cycle is stopped so that you no longer ovulate while pregnant and the uterine lining isn't shed. The menstrual cycles also come to an end at the end of your reproductive years going into menopause.

What are the key differences between the menstrual cycle and the estrous cycle in female reproductive physiology?

The key difference between the menstrual cycle and the estrous cycle is that the menstrual cycle occurs in humans and some primates, while the estrous cycle occurs in most other mammals. In the menstrual cycle, females have a monthly period of bleeding, while in the estrous cycle, females experience a period of sexual receptivity known as "heat" or "estrus." Additionally, in the menstrual cycle, females can conceive at any time during their cycle, while in the estrous cycle, females are only fertile during specific times when they are in estrus.

Can you be on your menstrual period while pregnant?

No once you are pregnant your periods will also stop.