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If you have their permission, you can. You are not emancipated automatically when you are pregnant. It does not mean one has the ability to take care of yourself. You do have certain rights as to obtaining assistance for you and your child, but you are still the responsibility of your parents until you turn 18.

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Q: Can you move out of your parents house you im 17 and I'm pregnant?
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Can I move out of my parents house if I'm 17 and pregnant in Maine?

No you have to be 18.

Can a 17 year old pregnant female move out from her parents house?

If the parents give permission for her to do so. Otherwise, she is still a minor and the parents are responsible.

Can a 17 year old pregnant teenager move out of parents house without permission?

An unemancipated 17-year-old, even a pregnant one, is subject to the control and authority of their parents. So, the answer to your question is no.

Can a 17 year old move out of their parents' house in Chicago is she is pregnant?

Only with parental permission or being emancipated by the court.

How can a 17 yr old female move out of her parents house in Florida if shes pregnant?

Being pregnant does not change the law. She must be an adult at age 18.

If your 17 and pregnant and live with the babys father is that illegal?

As long as your parents say it is okay, it is legal. Otherwise you need to wait until you are 18 to move out of your parents' house.

Is it legal for a pregnant 17 to move in with baby's daddy and family without parents permission in Texas?

Yes, you are legally able to move out of the house when you are 16 years of age.

Can you move out of your parents' house if you are 17?

yes with their consent

Can you move out of your parents house at 17 in ohio?

yes you can

Can you move out at 17 if your pregnant without parents consent if you live in Kentucky?

don't get pregnant at that age?

Can a 17 year old and her baby move out of her parents house and move in with her boyfriends house without parents consent in indiana?

No you have to be 18.

Can a 17 year old move out of parents house in Iowa and move to sc?
