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YES. Herpes doesn't affect fertility or the reproductive system. It's also safe for some one with herpes to have a child and not pass it to the baby.

If your partner has it then they should be taking some kind of antiviral medication or suppresant to help prevent you from getting herpes. Avoid havint intercourse while they have any signs or symptoms of a break out. You can have intercourse with your partner while they don't have any signs or symptoms of a break out and if they are taking their medication.

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Q: Can you have a child with a person that have herpes?
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Related questions

How is herpes transmitted from one person to another?

Herpes is spread by coming in contact with the herpes virus. The herpes virus can be spread even when a person isn't having an outbreak.

Can an immunocompromised person die from herpes?

It is not likely you will die from a herpes infection.

Can a child get herpes from their parent?

Yes, children can get herpes from a parent. Most of us get oral herpes (cold sores) from casual contact in childhood, such as a kiss from a relative.

Can you get herpes from touching someones saliva but with your fingers and their herpes not showing at the time?

Only if the person in question is infected with a Herpes viral infection of the mouth. Basically, if they have oral herpes, yes. Otherwise, no.

Does penises have lumps on them?

Only if the person has Herpes

Can dogs have herpes?

only if they got it from a person.

Is it possible for a person to have herpes but have no symptoms?

Yes, it is possible for a person with herpes to not have any symptoms. This is known as asymptomatic or silent herpes. However, even without symptoms, the person can still transmit the virus to others through viral shedding.

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a small child and you have herpes a small child and you have herpes

A male has herpes a woman does not what are the effects if she becomes pregnant?

Well, the mother will probably get herpes. The unborn child will get herpes when it passes through the birth canal, which is why C-sections are common among mothers with STI's.

Is it ok to swallow semen if your partner has herpes?

No. Herpes is a virus and can spread. Most likely you would get cold sores around your mouth. Cold sores are herpes simplex and the same as genial herpes. The person you are having sex with will give you herpes if it is active.

What are cold sores that can be passed from person to person known as?

They can be caused by the herpes virus.

Can a Male get a female pregnant if he has herpes?

Yes he can.YES they can. Herpes doesn't affect fertility, sperm, or the reproductive systemYes, and a woman who had Herpes can also have the child but often with c-section so the baby don't get Herpes during birth. If she does not have Herpes it would be a good idea to contact a doctor so you can avoid passing it to her.