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No. The person who choses the gender of the baby is the guy. Why? Because it depends on how much sperms the male puts in the female,if the male puts alot it will come out as a girl and if it's alittle bit of sperms the sex of the baby will be a boy.

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Q: Can you choose the gender of your baby if you are already pregnant?
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There are no foods you can eat to increase your chances of a boy. If you are already pregnant, then nothing you can eat or do will change the baby's gender.

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Once you are married, it will take 2 seasons for you or your wife to get pregnant. Then after one season, the baby will be born. Note that one week after being pregnant, you will trigger a scene when you wake up that will allow you to choose the gender of your baby!

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When you see its genitals! Or before conception if you want to choose the gender of your baby (some people prefer a boy over a girl) you should research gender selection methods... check out

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The earliest time that the physician could tell the gender of the baby is at least 12 weeks. At 12 weeks the genital tubercule must have started developing already.

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One can find a gender predictor by visiting a doctor while one is pregnant. One can take an ultrasound to get a picture of the baby and see which gender the baby will be.

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a diet can not effect the baby sex. once your pregnant the baby sex is already there

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The only thing that can affect the outcome of your gender of your pregnancy is the males sperm. Your baby's gender is predetermined by the genetics in your partners sperm. There is nothing you can do to to alter your baby's gender.

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You can not choose the gender, you get what the game gives you.

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